Furbearer Trapping Research, Surveys and Reports
The documents below cover research, surveys, and reports on furbearer management and trapping.
Trapping Research:
Best Management Practices for Trapping Furbearers in the United States (Wildlife Monographs 2020)
An Elevator Pitch for Trapping (The Wildlife Professional 2019)
Trappers as Citizen Scientists (The Wildlife Professional 2016)
New Guidelines for Furbearer Trapping (BMPs) (The Wildlife Professional 2010)
Trapping Guides:
Use of Bodygrip Traps on Dryland: A Guide to Responsible Use (2017)
How to Avoid the Incidental Take of Wolverine During Regulated Trapping Activities
Furbearer Harvest Statistics Database:
Survey Reports and Brochures:
Public Attitudes Toward and Awareness of Trapping Issues in CT, IN and WI (Full Report) (2016)
Public Attitudes Toward the Awareness of Trapping Issues in CT, IN and WI (Full Report) (2001)
Survey of State Furbearer Trapping Regulations:
Summary of State Trapping Regulations Survey Report (Full Report) (2016)
Survey of Trappers:
Trap Use, Furbearers Trapped, and Trapper Characteristics in 2023-2024 (full report)
Trap Use, Furbearers Trapped, and Trapper Characteristics in the U.S. in 2015 (Full Report)